LiFi can be used in schools and offices. Learning and working with our technology makes the process much more comfortable, faster and affordable.
Providing high speed and/or secure data connections for passengers, crew members and aircraft systems. In the air and on the ground
The peculiarity of light with LiFi is that it does not create electromagnetic interference for medical equipment. In addition, the technology is not affected by MRI scanners.
To date, signs and traffic lights, street lamps, taillights and headlights are already being produced, where LED lamps are used. Thanks to this, communication between the road infrastructure and vehicles in traffic management and safety systems can be ensured.
Peak loads can be shifted to LiFi. This is especially effective on incoming communication channels that have bottlenecks.
Any public or private lighting, street lights, can be used as standard LiFi hotspots using the same sensor and communications infrastructure.
The use of LiFi technology allows you to create a safe alternative to electromagnetic radiation from radio frequency communications in chemical plants and mines.
Highly accurate location-specific information services such as advertising and navigation that enables the recipient to receive appropriate, pertinent information in a timely manner and location.